Independence Day

Chris & John went out for shopping and breakfast. We met Jor to go for lunch with Cindy and Toros in old Yerevan at Baklachoff Restaurant, a very different style of restaurant, with lots of crazy displays and interesting things to see in every corner, the food was very good also, on the way out we were lucky enough to see an armenian dance display. After lunch, we all browsed through the Vernisage open air markets, which sold anything and everything. 

In the evening I stayed in the unit and Suzie, Chris, Daniel, John, Cindy and Toros went to Pandok Yerevan to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Armenian Independence. Suzie said they had another great meal and sent me through lots of videos of Armenian folk dancing and a music show which they were watching as it was a dinner and show. From the photos it seems they drank lots of vodka and got back around midnight.

Baklachoff Restaurant

Baklachoff Restaurant

Baklachoff Restaurant

Baklachoff Restaurant

Baklachoff Restaurant

Baklachoff Restaurant

Vernisage markets

Vernisage markets

Vernisage markets

Vernisage markets

Vernisage markets

Vernisage markets

Suzie & Jor Vernisage markets

Suzie & Jor Vernisage markets

Suzie & Jor Vernisage markets

Pandok Restaurant celebrating Independence Day

Pandok Restaurant

Pandok Restaurant

Suzie & Cindy at Pandok Restaurant

Suzie at Pandok Restaurant

Music show at Pandok Restaurant
